The MLMIA and everyone in the industry owe a tremendous debt to all the Members who have served on the Board of Directors, but especially the following people who have shown a real dedication to Direct Sales/Multi-Level Marketing/ Network Marketing. They served a minimum of ten years as Board Members of MLMIA. They contributed, in addition to their dues, time, talents and efforts, all of their own expenses to attend 3 or 4 Board meetings a year (personally, in the beginning, before the Internet and conference calls) and trade shows and conferences. They gave this Association, that is the first to truly represent all areas of our industry, the strength it has today. They helped change the laws and bring more professionalism to our industry which shows in so many instances today.
Jeffrey Babener Carrol Leclerc (Canada)
Linda Bruno (Deceased) Carroll Lewis
Robert Butwin Gerald (Gerry) Nehra
Hugh "Ed" Clemmons Ken Pointius (Deceased)
Ray Grimm Jr. Michael Sheffield, Chair Emeritus
Del Hickman D. Jack Smith, Jr.
John Hollon Tim Taylor
Kate Johnson Christ Theodor
Keith Laggos, PhD Doris Wood, President Emeritus